Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Marriage Convention 2014 Quotables

Fy and Clement invited Alex and I to attend Marriage Convention 2014, I rem it was a rather touching session, ending w couples facing each other, and saying words of encouragement and love. Here's some quotes and handles to last us a lifetime:

Being understanding is more important than being right~~
 Celebrate small wins together. Go through disappointments together. (Stay together).
What man needs from woman: 无论我多失败,他无条件的接纳我。
What woman needs from woman: 无论我分享什么,他都不批判我。

Love digitising notes. Now I can 名正言顺throw the paper notes away without feeling like aiya what if one day i need to read this quote... :D

4 big weddings of 4 close friends coming up end of the year: Damon, Eugene Heng, Mel T, Mandy! 一定会幸福~~ 你要幸福~~

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