Friday, July 11, 2014

Positive Net Worth!

Net worth turned positive when bonus came in this month! Means if I liquidate all my assets I can choose to pay off the HDB already! of cos, there are some constraints.. cannot liquidate my endowment funds. if pay off HDB then no money left for reno or buy car when COE expires in 2016. no more emergency funds. but that aside, the thought of positive net worth is really shiok! It also makes me feel that i should become more serious in investing the money so it makes all the saving worth it. if not ppl who dont save so much but invest will have more than me... dont feel that i will enjoy that feeling. so i've started this blog to track my finances and make myself work harder to learn investment in stocks:

Next step is to reach the 1 mil checkpoint, debt-free (the day when i fully pay off the house) and financial freedom (the day when we can choose to work or not to work). For the house, we will still choose to take a 30 year loan, so we may be financially free but not debt free. the next ten years will be exciting and it will be our goal to reach all the three status by then!

Alex and I thinks that we may never stop working, him wanting to continue his business - even if it's just going down once a week, and me wanting to continue to have a social life by working, even if it's just giving tuition or volunteering.

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