Monday, May 03, 2010


"As the young are impressionable, the mass media has a swing influence on their values & priorities.."
I rem that's how I liked to start my GP essays. It sounded good. Though I was also young. Was.

Every so often, I still pick up every other pet phrase easily, I can control and filter what swings my actions and what I run after. I dont say "oh my tian" at whim. for fear. I copy people's phrases because I like vibrant language and I like to speak wrt people. Language is intended for communication.

Pardon the young who are impressionable, if we have not given them clear directions.

Ytd sihui wanted to trim her own fringe. It's nothing new, shuwan does that. Nobody goes to the hairdress to trim fringe. Today I took up my own scissors and trimmed my ends. How easily influenced can I be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Copy say copy la. no need to give excuses. For more creative ideas, do visit