first torres pissed off and giving the bare penalty spot a flick kick before rooney converted the penalty rebound. haiix. dun tell me torres prepared the ground for rooney............... he looked like he kena bought for the match la. the fifth minute opener must hv just been a cover up. haiix.
second highlight was park's header. that strong passion in allowing gravity to pull his whole body piak to the ground. WOAHS. break all the liverpool fans hearts. a picture tells a thousand words:

see how hinged his left feet was. powow.
caught it at vivo's the queen and the mangosteen. nice pub with a good view :)

the whole setting was extremely comfortable. the ceiling fans. birch furniture. black and white coasters.
we sat at the bar which had a good angle to the screen. nice~~
the price to pay for sitting at the bar was that it's extremely awkward when the bartender asks what would we like to drink and we refuse. so we started scrambling searching for a drink. i refused to pay 12bucks for heineken nor tiger... so i chose choc mint martini... quite nice... the mint and martini both 辣 so not the perfect blend. i like ryan's lychee martini more :)
here's how the drink looks like... i love the way the choc dripped down into the drink. totally slurps. 

we wondered sometimes if the bartender would secretly be watching or if he's allowed to watch... shifu act how distracted he would be if he's the bartender :P
the only one complain is that the chairs were so high that my birkies kept slipping off :/ after a few drops, shifu ask me to just leave it... and to shake the other side off as well. then he placed the pair neatly just right below my seat :):)
xiao says that i'm very particular abt small things like this so i really need ultra sensitive guys :P 1point.
the other first is our first time watching soccer tog. we pondered hard if we've watched soccer tog before anot... and surprisingly... not! quite strange... duno why also... since we would both support the oranjes! loveloves. maybe cos world cup 06 was with peter and gay. then euro 08 was on exchange. hmms... world cup 10 coming up!
gay alr placed bets for brazil and portugal alr :/
the drink would come to within sipping distance every so frequently. 1point.
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