our first of many travels out.
sweden was the first stop as we wanted to catch the aurora before it was gone.
we tried really hard to catch it,
3 germany airports to get to stockholm.
the aurora was dancing the night before, we heard upon arrival
but we were just too late.
it didnt' dance on the night we were there.
on our way "home", we missed the last connecting train from nijmejin back to eindhoven. it was a terrible night. it happened to be my 22nd birthday. we slept in the train station's information counter - we let ourselves in. i've done a dozen of crazy thgs in my life, but i nv dreamt that i'd let myself into an info counter to hide from the crazy netherlands winds and drunkards. it wasn't that safe anyways. (zi... we shud make a list of all the airports and train stations we've slept at! anyways, thanks for being with me through those days...)
i was so depressed the next day, i bought myself a donut to celebrate my own birthday. haiix. so kelian. i rem that day i was especially delighted to receive mel's email :):)
everyday thereafter is a blessing.
even that day i rolled off austrian's hill. perhaps especially that day. thinking back, i still wonder how i did not die. a part of my lower back still stings every now and then; i felt a spike on my left rib yesterday. if there's anything wrong, somehow i don't want to know.
another scary day was in switz, euro 2008. the oranje crowd.
the drunkard who kept talking to me in an unknown language. i think it was german but what do i understand of it with my limited dutch? we were so scared when the man followed us that we sought refuge at a media centre. which was cool cos it had aircon and gave us limited ed of the euro2008 coke bottles. haha.
I'm still a noob. HAHAH.
our first of many travels out.
sweden was the first stop as we wanted to catch the aurora before it was gone.
we tried really hard to catch it,
3 germany airports to get to stockholm.
the aurora was dancing the night before, we heard upon arrival
but we were just too late.
it didnt' dance on the night we were there.
on our way "home", we missed the last connecting train from nijmejin back to eindhoven. it was a terrible night. it happened to be my 22nd birthday. we slept in the train station's information counter - we let ourselves in. i've done a dozen of crazy thgs in my life, but i nv dreamt that i'd let myself into an info counter to hide from the crazy netherlands winds and drunkards. it wasn't that safe anyways. (zi... we shud make a list of all the airports and train stations we've slept at! anyways, thanks for being with me through those days...)
i was so depressed the next day, i bought myself a donut to celebrate my own birthday. haiix. so kelian. i rem that day i was especially delighted to receive mel's email :):)
everyday thereafter is a blessing.
even that day i rolled off austrian's hill. perhaps especially that day. thinking back, i still wonder how i did not die. a part of my lower back still stings every now and then; i felt a spike on my left rib yesterday. if there's anything wrong, somehow i don't want to know.
another scary day was in switz, euro 2008. the oranje crowd.

23rd was spent in sg. there's fyp and biobiz. there's job hunt. there's fears, worries and disappointments.
there came a point in time when i wanted to give up. when i lost all motivation in my fyp. i didn't dare to say it at that time, but i puked or made myself puke to relieve the mountain of stress in me. on the days i rem to pray, it went away. on other days, it trapped me in then ate me up.
when many ppl were just thinking i will make it. there was a handful who saw between and beyond that, my worries and confusion.
nzj in his funny position, one of.
"ah... 我被逼看amazing race...!" HAHA.(was it the same day..?)
girltalk helped.
when many ppl were just thinking i will make it. there was a handful who saw between and beyond that, my worries and confusion.
as shifu and i recalled last year this time, i rem a particular walk from yih to corner with wai and shifu. they just kept encouraging me. to get me to sch, they enticed me with a hearty breakfast tog at hbf. i dun think i have to bother to say that it worked. hah, there i said it!
three's a cord that's difficult to be broken.
rainbow after interview. a corner for me to invade....with a broken chair and then a cui cardboard box.amazing race fix every mon. reminders of last bus timings (sometimes after it's gone...), time remaining to deadlines - fyp and ptb's assignment etc. my cesspool and companion in complaining abt cui max fyp. you are a very impt fren to me too, 2.

girltalk helped.
I'm still a noob. HAHAH.
1 comment:
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