YEAWOOHS~! that's Jane and I having completed the nike 10k run. we stalked the polaroid girl like crazy. left side is edited by jane... siao liao. i come home KO she still can edit photo hahaha.
i ran alone again. feel so dui bu qi janejane! aiyos.
unfortunately, i overslept again cos the alarm clock didn't ring cos it's set to repeat only from mon -fri! ahh bugger. thank God that my body clock is used to stirring from 6.30am... which was a little late alr. haiis. so i end up taking cab again. sighs.
did not achieve ambitious target, totally missed it. missed even the realistic aim. according to my watch, i took 1hr 15min 11 sec. ahhhs. i run 10km like peter run half marathon sia. sians. i've wanted to do it in 1hr, max 1hr 15min by simple maths. run 5km in 36min, so run 10km should take double the time right? hohoho. cos i've been trying out peter's theory of running 10km at 5km pace all the way, so theoretically that target really made sense.
the old injury hit back at about 6km. OUCH. ARGHS.
silly me still wanted to make it in 1hr15, sprinted the last 250m... but it was so pain... i limped across the finishing line... :S
and i swear i'm someone with ultra high pain tolerance alr. i felt no pain after my surgery, i felt a tinge of burning sensation after being scraped by sparklers but it didn't bother me at all. this time it's really pain :(:(
for the unaware... the old injury refers to my right knee which totally spoilt after i chionged 19 out of 21km last dec :/ didn't expect it to be so persistence. craps.
for those who want to start training, but dunno how to go about planning a training, check this out:
highly encouraged for those who hv been failing ippt :P
when will i ever reach my dream of finishing a marathon in a decent time like 5hrs? need to be running 10km in 71min.... hoho jane's timing! :D ahhs. strong. gogogo.
hope to go for sundown in 2 years time. God, please please repair my spoilt knee...
Dun anyhow quote me leh.... I said if you can run 10km in 60min.... BY RIGHT you shld be able to run 5km in less than 30min (0.5x60min).... Cos the distance is shorter so your speed BY RIGHT CAN be faster.... NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND.... Running 10km at 5km-pace is ILLOGICAL..... Unless you take steriods.... hahahaha....
If what you said is true, then I think i should run my 10km at my 2.4km-pace.... Hahaha.... Logical Right????
Anyway....I didn't run my half-marathon in 1hr15min.... That was abit too exaggerating....
Hoho bro!
last time i asked u if i shud train by time or dist. maybe i misinterpreted ur ans... u told me to train by dist, start with a dist comfortable then keep running at same pace and gradually increase dist leh. so i did that, and can run 10km at 5km pace, quite logical and achievable leh... 36min x 2 = 1hr 12min, gimme 3 min injury time la... one day i will run 42km at my 5km pace too! :D
the comparison to half marathon is an approx (just ~10% error mah) for illustrating that u run abt double my speed... dun take it too seriously... lol.
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