there's been 2 counts of unglamness in the short span of 1.5weeks at work. major unglam. shall not advertise here. tho i truly believe they are rather entertaining :p actually i believe i must be one of the few souls remaining to love my own unglamness. hence i would like to think that it's a form of beauty, the beauty of being unglam!
I'm freaking out cos I'm just starting to search for who is that great guy behind the quote in my valediction. ("what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us") This is how last minutes I get :/ Thank God for google which returned the search in 0.32seconds :)
May there be zero unglam moments tomorrow. I could have conjectured up this title in a way to prep myself of psyche tools in case i really unglam tmr. to normalize things shud one of the following occur:
spill drinks on prof? step on pro chancellors feet?? fall off the stage???
with yixin, all things are not impossible. it's just gonna be another day in yixin's life. stay calm...
Actually I got distracted and even before finding that quote, I strayed off to another quote:
I don't know who is Dr. Seuss, but this guy makes a lot of sense. friends never condemn. another word for condemn is judge. perhaps i belong to the "don't matter" group. that's one unfriendly thot. discard. Perhaps I'd just choose to don't mind then. But I thot minding is a reflection of being bothered enough cos you are impt. Really don't know what to think.
Random: While bathing, I figured that on this day to wrap up our education, we are all gonna show up in uniforms. Duh.
1 comment:
EI ! u think when u bathe too ?? HAHA
I get most ideas wen i bathe !
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