Wednesday, June 24, 2009


the thought of Project iLovePeach sprouted when this pretty notebook caught my eye. Put it off for about one month when all I did was comb through the tweets. Sat down today to bash through the remaining of the digital trails, msn, gmail/chat, blog and sms. I'm sure there are still things I've missed out but it feels pretty complete already. The main episodes are all in. Woohoohs~!! It's a nice read filled with timely punches and entertaining muses. LOVE IT. Feel so accomplished.

Finally I can return a notebook for the 3 notebooks I've received :)

I think it's true, how shuwan's psych test says that I'm a quitter except for things i love. This is one clear example of how determined I can get to complete things and FYP is another clear negative demonstration. May more things I love come my way, cos I believe I can really score if I want to!

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