Wednesday, May 17, 2006

first day of work... damn tired. i made a fluke call to my sis and she couldn't recognize my voice! :/ (and mind you, it's zhixin=hai=second sis. how can right??!!) other than that, nothing eventful... and wan and i quickly chiong to marina square on *ahems* meixi(!!) car to get doraemon :) it's really huge and hugable.. and omg. i so damn want a photo with it! *whines*

den it was omg. man of letters.
it is marvelful, with a capital m!
the songs play in my mind the way moisture fills my eyes: non-stop. talk about rhyme, life is no more about sighs. i rem this lovely line: just a man who spouts poetry, is what roseanne wish to find. and oh my,.....
i betta stop this. marvelful isn't it? see how the bug has gotten on to me... seriously, i was so moved by the lyrics (and yesh, super well articulated by the leads.) bcos every song was penned with such emotions and emphasis and it was just great!
the only thing that disturbed me was the green stuff..! which wan kindly notified me was just scenery,... trees to be exact. wth.

and den thgs became veh messy. i tink i just shudn't even haf agreed in the first place. but well, entering the pure room was one of a kind experience! ... and pretending to be a couple with kenny, was another... oh well;
and for what-seems-like- a long time, someone sent me to my door. (and no, it's not zj.)

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