Monday, May 15, 2006

btw have i mentioned i hate 108? i do.
wan and i finally got a job! honestly, i thot i'd nv work this hols... or even if i work, i'd haf to work alone... sobs* but no! thank god! cos he opened a door thru my sis... now wan and i are "telemarketers" to not sell stuff (which is why telemarketers in inverted commas) but to call fresh grads up for interviews... the going rate is pretty low... just five bucks per hour... but wan said one thg that really touched me... zhi yao ni you zuo jiu ke yi :) this statement makes me move my butt to far away land tanjong pagar every morning.. or rather, every alt morning, cos my veh nice boss agrees to let us work only on alt days cos wan haf lessons on tues n thurs! :) and this is my nice boss, mesmerized by my yin yang shoes hee (my yin yang. haha. wad an array of words.)

more than a funky chic, boss, zinc is also my insurance agent... anyone want insurance shud really get it from her... she has the best policies for u, long term, short term, depending on ur own plans and lifestyle... :) or maybe not, cos if i become an insurance agent, i'd need everybody's support... (but no, i'm not gonna b an insurance agent. *rambles*)

after securing the job, wan and i had the rush of our lives to complete mel's clipboard-card. it's really marvelful. i lian-ai-i-n-g (love) the product, but even more so, i love being silly and eating long john with wan! wan never fails to crack a smile on my face :) i guess that's where/how 7 years of friendship pays off :) "i love your presence more than your presents" "i wanna watch the world go past with you"i know i said all these... but i guess, nobody else makes me wanna say it more than wan :) i'd laminate the letter :) (when i rem to do so, muahaha. but you know, the contents will always stick in my heart. lamination is just a worldly act, so let's not get too caught up with that hehs good excuse! *beams*)

finally, myjars at coffee bean for dinner! sunrise!! :)

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